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Whispers from the Otherworld Stories

Category :

Author :
Anchalee Viva

Language :

Rights :

Publisher :

Type :

Pages :
160 pages

Dimensions :
11.4 X 17.8 CM

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier :

synopsis :

Whispers from the Otherworld Stories is a mesmerizing collection of short stories by Anchalee Viva. Each tale takes the reader on a journey beyond the ordinary, delving into realms where the familiar and the fantastic intertwine.

Dive into the imaginative worlds of Anchalee Viva, where unearthly travelers, multi-headed children, and sentient minds without bodies navigate the unknown. This collection captures the essence of human emotion and the surreal, providing a unique lens through which to view our world.

Whispers from the Otherworld Stories
Whispers from the Otherworld Stories